The Write Professional For You

With more than ten years of marketing communications and copywriting experience in the corporate world, my resume-writing business started by accident several years ago. Family and friends who were graduating from college, changing careers or applying for promotions began asking for my help in crafting their resumes.

They primarily asked for assistance because of my writing background and because they either felt it was too daunting or they didn’t have the skill to do their own resumes.

Before long, I was receiving a lot of referral business because the resumes I created were resulting in job interviews. According to potential employers, my clients were getting interviews because of their “stand-out resumes.”

Today, I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer and member of the National Resume Writers Association and Professional Association of Resume Writers. My work is featured in two nationally published career books written by industry experts Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow, Expert Resumes & Linkedin Profiles for Managers & Executives: Capture Attention… Capture Opportunities 4th edition and Modernize Your Job Search Letters: Get Noticed…Get Hired.

Most importantly, I create resumes that get the interview. My resumes have resulted in client interviews with Google, Amazon, Intel, Minnesota Twins, Apple, Disney World and more.

Most of my work still comes from the referrals of satisfied clients. It is also important to know that I do not outsource any of my work, and I don’t require that you fill out stacks of forms, which actually makes you responsible for most of the work.

I enjoy designing resumes for all types of positions. I work with clients all over the United States, give every resume the individual attention it deserves, and will gladly provide related support and answer questions to help you land that important interview.

Let’s get started and create a resume that gets results for you.